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APIEndpoints Objects

class APIEndpoints(Enum)

The class includes all necessary API endpoint strings to connect the Grafana API

RequestsMethods Objects

class RequestsMethods(Enum)

The class includes all necessary method values to establish an HTTP/ HTTPS connection to the Grafana API endpoints

APIModel Objects

class APIModel()

The class includes all necessary variables to establish a connection to the Grafana API endpoints


  • host str - Specify the host of the Grafana system
  • token str - Specify the access token of the Grafana system
  • username str - Specify the username of the Grafana system
  • password str - Specify the password of the Grafana system
  • timeout float - Specify the timeout of the Grafana system
  • http2_support bool - Specify if you want to use HTTP/2
  • ssl_context ssl.SSLContext - Specify the custom ssl context of the Grafana system
  • num_pools int - Specify the number of the connection pool
  • retries any - Specify the number of the retries. Please use False as parameter to disable the retries

DatasourceQuery Objects

class DatasourceQuery()

The class includes all necessary variables to specify a query for the datasource search endpoint


  • datasource_id int - Specify the id of the data source
  • raw_sql str - Specify the raw SQL string to search inside the Grafana system
  • ref_id str - Specify a reference id of the search command (default A)
  • interval_ms int - Specify the time interval in milliseconds of output format (default 1000)
  • max_data_points int - Specify maximum amount of data points that dashboard panel can render (default 100)
  • output_format str - Specify the output format of the query (default time_series)

DatasourceRuleQuery Objects

class DatasourceRuleQuery()

The class includes all necessary variables to specify a query for the datasource rule search endpoint


  • datasource_uid str - Specify the uid of the data source
  • model dict - Specify the model of the search command
  • query_type str - Specify the query time of the search command
  • ref_id str - Specify a reference id of the search command
  • relative_time_range dict - Specify the related time range of the search command

DatasourcePermission Objects

class DatasourcePermission()

The class includes the necessary variables to generate a datasource permission object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana datasource permissions endpoint


  • permission Union[str, None] - Specify the datasource permission. Can be query, edit, admin or None. To remove a permission, set the permission value to None


  • ValueError - Missed specifying a necessary value


  • permission str - Returns the datasource permission

Alert Objects

class Alert()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an alert object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana alert endpoint


  • starts_at str - Specify the start date of the alert
  • ends_at str - Specify end date of the alert
  • annotations dict - Specify the annotations of the alert
  • generator_url str - Specify the url of the generator endpoint
  • labels dict - Specify labels of the alert

AlertRuleQueryModelCondition Objects

class AlertRuleQueryModelCondition()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an alert rule query model condition object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana alert provisioning endpoint


  • evaluator_params list - Specify the evaluator parameters
  • evaluator_type str - Specify the evaluator type
  • operator_type str - Specify the operator type
  • query_params list - Specify the query parameters
  • reducer_params list - Specify the reducer parameters
  • reducer_type str - Specify the reducer type
  • type str - Specify the type

AlertRuleQueryModel Objects

class AlertRuleQueryModel()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an alert rule query model object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana alert provisioning endpoint


  • conditions list - Specify the conditions list based on the AlertRuleQueryModelCondition objects
  • datasource dict - Specify the datasource dictionary
  • expression str - Specify the expression string
  • hide bool - Specify the if the query should be hided
  • interval_ms int - Specify the interval in ms
  • max_data_points int - Specify the max data points
  • ref_id str - Specify the unique identifier of the alert rule query model
  • type str - Specify the corresponding type

AlertQuery Objects

class AlertQuery()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an alert query object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana alert provisioning endpoint


  • datasource_uid str - Specify the datasource uid
  • model AlertRuleQueryModel - Specify the model as AlertRuleQueryModel
  • query_type str - Specify the query type
  • ref_id str - Specify the unique identifier of the alert query
  • relative_time_range_from int - Specify the relative from time range
  • relative_time_range_to int - Specify the relative to time range

AlertRule Objects

class AlertRule()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an alert rule object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana alert provisioning endpoint


  • condition str - Specify the condition
  • data list - Specify the data as AlertQuery list
  • exec_err_state str - Specify the execution error state
  • folder_uid str - Specify the folder uid
  • no_data_state str - Specify the no data state
  • org_id int - Specify the org id
  • rule_group str - Specify the rule group of the alert rule
  • title str - Specify the title of the alert rule
  • uid str - Specify the uid of the alert rule
  • for_time int - Specify the for duration as integer
  • annotations dict - Specify the annotations dictionary (default None)
  • updated str - Specify the updated date time as string (default None)
  • provenance str - Specify the provenance (default None)
  • id int - Specify the alert rule id (default 0)
  • labels dict - Specify the labels as dictionary (default None)

EmbeddedContactPoint Objects

class EmbeddedContactPoint()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an embedded contact point object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana alert provisioning endpoint


  • name str - Specify the name of the embedded contact point
  • type str - Specify the type of the embedded contact point
  • settings dict - Specify the settings of the embedded contact point
  • disable_resolve_message bool - Specify if the resolve message should be disabled (default None)
  • provenance str - Specify the provenance (default None)
  • uid str - Specify the uid of the embedded contact point (default None)

MatchType Objects

class MatchType(Enum)

The class includes all necessary values to set the corresponding match type

Matcher Objects

class Matcher()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an alert rule route matcher object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana alert provisioning endpoint


  • name str - Specify the name of the matcher
  • type MatchType - Specify the type of the matcher
  • value str - Specify the value of the matcher

Route Objects

class Route()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an alert rule route that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana alert provisioning endpoint


  • continue_parameter bool - Specify the continue parameter
  • group_by_str List[str] - Specify the list of group by strings
  • receiver str - Specify the receiver
  • provenance str - Specify the provenance
  • object_matchers List[Matcher] - Specify the list of object matchers (default None)
  • group_interval str - Specify the group time interval (default None)
  • group_wait str - Specify the group wait time (default None)
  • repeat_interval str - Specify the repeat interval (default None)
  • routes List[Route] - Specify the list of routes (default None)
  • mute_time_intervals List[str] - Specify the mute time interval as list (default None)

TimeRange Objects

class TimeRange()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a time range object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana alert provisioning endpoint


  • start_time str - Specify the start time e.g. 14:00
  • start_time str - Specify the end time e.g. 15:00

TimeInterval Objects

class TimeInterval()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a time interval object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana alert provisioning endpoint


  • days_of_month List[str] - Specify the days of month list (default None)
  • months List[str] - Specify the months list (default None)
  • times TimeRange - Specify the times list (default None)
  • weekdays List[str] - Specify the weekdays list (default None)
  • years List[str] - Specify the year range list (default None)

MuteTimeInterval Objects

class MuteTimeInterval()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a mute time interval object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana alert provisioning endpoint


  • name str - Specify the name of the mute time interval.
  • time_intervals List[TimeInterval] - Specify the list of time interval objects

Silence Objects

class Silence()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a silence object that is necessary to communicate with the Grafana silence endpoint


  • starts_at str - Specify the start date of the silence
  • created_by str - Specify the name of the silence creator
  • ends_at str - Specify end date of the silence
  • comment str - Specify a custom comment for the silence
  • id str - Specify an id for the silence
  • matchers dict - Specify matchers for the silence

AlertmanagerConfig Objects

class AlertmanagerConfig()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an Alertmanager config object that is necessary to communicate and set up the Grafana Alertmanager endpoint


  • global_config dict - Specify the global config of the Alertmanager
  • inhibit_rules list - Specify the inhibit rules of the Alertmanager
  • mute_time_intervals list - Specify the mute time intervals of the Alertmanager
  • receivers list - Specify the receiver's of the Alertmanager
  • route dict - Specify the route of the Alertmanager
  • templates list - Specify an Alertmanager template

AlertmanagerReceivers Objects

class AlertmanagerReceivers()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an Alertmanager receiver's object that is necessary to communicate and set up the Grafana Alertmanager receivers endpoint


  • name str - Specify the name of the receiver
  • email_configs list - Specify the email configuration of the receiver's
  • grafana_managed_receiver_configs list - Specify the Grafana managed receiver configuration of the receiver's
  • opsgenie_configs list - Specify the ops genie configuration of the receiver's
  • pagerduty_configs dict - Specify the pager duty configuration of the receiver's
  • pushover_configs list - Specify the push over configuration of the receiver's
  • slack_configs list - Specify the Slack configuration of the receiver's
  • victorops_configs list - Specify the victor ops configuration of the receiver's
  • webhook_configs list - Specify the webhook configuration of the receiver's
  • wechat_configs list - Specify the wechaty configuration of the receiver's

RulerRule Objects

class RulerRule()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a Ruler rule object that is necessary to communicate and set up a Grafana Ruler rule


  • alert str - Specify the name of the rule
  • annotations dict - Specify the annotations of the rule
  • expr str - Specify the expression of the rule
  • grafana_alert dict - Specify the Grafana alert of the rule
  • labels dict - Specify labels of the rule
  • record str - Specify recode value of the rule
  • for_id int - Specify the id of the rule if you update an existing rule (default 0)

UserObject Objects

class UserObject()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a User object that is necessary to update a Grafana User


  • email str - Specify the name of the rule
  • name str - Specify the annotations of the rule
  • login str - Specify the expression of the rule
  • theme str - Specify the Grafana alert of the rule

PlaylistObject Objects

class PlaylistObject()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a playlist object


  • name str - Specify the name of the playlist
  • interval str - Specify the interval of the playlist
  • items list - Specify a list of PlaylistItemObjects

PlaylistItemObject Objects

class PlaylistItemObject()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a playlist item object that is necessary to update a playlist


  • type str - Specify the type of the playlist item
  • value str - Specify the value of the playlist item
  • order int - Specify the order of the playlist item
  • title str - Specify the title of the playlist item

TeamObject Objects

class TeamObject()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a team object that is necessary to create a team


  • name str - Specify the name of the team
  • email str - Specify the email of the team
  • org_id int - Specify the org_id of the team

QueryDatasourceObject Objects

class QueryDatasourceObject()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a query datasource object that is necessary to create a query history object


  • type str - Specify the type of the datasource query
  • uid str - Specify the uid of the datasource query

QueryObject Objects

class QueryObject()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a query object that is necessary to create a query history


  • ref_id str - Specify the ref_id of the query history
  • key str - Specify the key of the query history
  • scenario_id str - Specify the scenario_id of the query history
  • datasource QueryDatasourceObject - Specify the datasource of the type QueryDatasourceObject

CorrelationObject Objects

class CorrelationObject()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a find annotation object


  • source_datasource_uid str - Specify the source datasource uid (default None)
  • target_datasource_uid str - Specify the target datasource uid (default None)
  • label str - Specify the label (default 100)
  • description str - Specify the description (default None)
  • config_type str - Specify the config type (default None)
  • config_field str - Specify the config field (default None)
  • config_target str - Specify the config target (default None)

FindAnnotationObject Objects

class FindAnnotationObject()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a find annotation object


  • from_value int - Specify the optional from value (default None)
  • to_value int - Specify the optional to value (default None)
  • limit int - Specify the optional limit (default 100)
  • alert_id int - Specify the optional alert id (default None)
  • dashboard_id int - Specify the optional dashboard id (default None)
  • panel_id int - Specify the optional panel_id (default None)
  • user_id int - Specify the optional user id (default None)
  • type str - Specify the optional type e.g. alert or annotation (default None)
  • tags list - Specify the optional tags (default None)

AnnotationObject Objects

class AnnotationObject()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an annotation object


  • time int - Specify the time as number in milliseconds
  • time_end int - Specify the end time as number in milliseconds
  • tags list - Specify the organization annotation tags from a data source that are not connected specifically to a dashboard or panel
  • text str - Specify the annotation description message
  • dashboard_uid str - Specify the optional dashboard_uid (default None)
  • panel_id int - Specify the optional panel_id (default None)

AnnotationGraphiteObject Objects

class AnnotationGraphiteObject()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a Graphite annotation object


  • what str - Specify the event of the annotation
  • tags list - Specify the organization annotation tags from a data source that are not connected specifically to a dashboard or panel
  • when int - Specify the optional time as number in milliseconds
  • data str - Specify the optional annotation description message

GlobalUser Objects

class GlobalUser()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a global user object


  • name str - Specify the name of the user
  • email str - Specify the email of the user
  • login str - Specify the login type of the user
  • password str - Specify the password of the user
  • org_id int - Specify the optional org id of the user (default None)

RolePermission Objects

class RolePermission()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a role permission object


  • action str - Specify the custom role action definition
  • scope str - Specify the scope definition. If not present, no scope will be mapped to the permission (default None)

CustomRole Objects

class CustomRole()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a custom role object


  • name str - Specify the name of the role
  • uid str - Specify the optional uid of the role (default None)
  • global_role bool - Specify the if the role is global or not. If set to False, the default org id of the authenticated user will be used from the request (default False)
  • version int - Specify the optional version of the role (default None)
  • description str - Specify the optional description of the role (default None)
  • display_name str - Specify the optional display_name of the role (default None)
  • group str - Specify the optional org group of the role (default None)
  • hidden bool - Specify whether the role is hidden or not. If set to True, then the role does not show in the role picker. It will not be listed by API endpoints unless explicitly specified (default False)
  • permissions list - Specify the optional permissions of the role as a list of the RolePermission objects (default None)

DatasourceCache Objects

class DatasourceCache()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a datasource cache object


  • datasource_id int - Specify the datasource id
  • datasource_uid str - Specify the datasource uid
  • enabled bool - Specify if caching should be enabled for the datasource
  • use_default_ttl bool - Specify if the configured default TTL (Time-To-Live) should be used for both query and resource caching, instead of the user-specified values
  • ttl_queries_ms int - Specify the TTL to use for query caching, in milliseconds
  • ttl_resources_ms int - Specify the TTL to use for resource caching, in milliseconds

PublicDashboard Objects

class PublicDashboard()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a public dashboard object


  • uid str - Specify the optional unique identifier when creating a public dashboard. If it’s none, it will generate a new uid (default None)
  • access_token str - Specify the optional unique access token. If it’s none, it will generate a new access token (default None)
  • time_selection_enabled bool - Specify the optional enablement of the time picker inside the public dashboard (default False)
  • is_enabled bool - Specify the optional enablement of the public dashboard (default False)
  • annotations_enabled bool - Specify the optional enablement of the annotations inside the public dashboard (default False)
  • share str - Specify the optional share mode of the public dashboard (default public)

SSOSetting Objects

class SSOSetting()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate an SSO setting object


  • api_url str - Specify the SSO api url
  • client_id str - Specify the SSO client id
  • client_secret str - Specify the SSO client secret
  • enabled bool - Specify if the SSO provider is enabled or not
  • scopes str - Specify the SSO scopes

DashboardSchema Objects

class DashboardSchema()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a dashboard schema object that is used for the reporting functionality


  • dashboard_uid str - Specify the dashboard uid
  • time_range_from str - Specify the dashboard time range from
  • time_range_to str - Specify the dashboard time range to
  • report_variables dict - Specify the key-value pairs containing the template variables for this report, in dict format. If the value is None, the template variables from the reports dashboard will be used (default None)

Report Objects

class Report()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a report object


  • name str - Specify the name of the report that is used as an email subject
  • recipients str - Specify the comma-separated list of emails to which to send the report to
  • reply_to str - Specify the comma-separated list of emails used in a reply-to field of the report email
  • message str - Specify the text message used for the body of the report email
  • start_date str - Specify the distribution starts from this date
  • end_date str - Specify the distribution end from this date
  • time_zone str - Specify the time zone used to schedule report execution
  • orientation str - Specify if the orientation should be portrait or landscape
  • layout str - Specify if the layout should be grid or simple
  • enable_dashboard_url str - Specify if the dashboard url should be added to the bottom of the report email
  • dashboards List[DashboardSchema] - Specify the dashboards for which the reports should be generated
  • frequency str - Specify how often the report should be sent. Can be once, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, last or custom. The value last schedules the report for the last day of the month. The value custom schedules the report to be sent on a custom interval. It requires interval_frequency and interval_amount to be specified e.g. every 2 weeks, where 2 is an interval_amount and weeks is an interval_frequency (default last)
  • interval_frequency str - Specify the type of the custom interval hours, days, weeks, months (default None)
  • interval_amount int - Specify the interval amount of the custom type (default 0)
  • workdays_only bool - Specify if the report only on Monday-Friday should be sent. Applicable to hourly and daily types of schedule (default None)
  • formats List[str] - Specify what kind of attachment to generate for the report. Available report formats are csv, pdf and image. The type csv attaches a CSV file for each table panel and the type image embeds an image of a dashboard into the emails body (default List["pdf"])

ReportBrandingSettings Objects

class ReportBrandingSettings()

The class includes all necessary variables to generate a report branding settings object


  • report_logo_url str - Specify the url of an image used as a logo on every page of the report
  • email_logo_url str - Specify the url of an image used as a logo in the email
  • email_footer_mode str - Specify the email footer mode. Can be sent-by or none. The value sent-by adds a 'Sent by email footer text' footer link to the email. Requires specifying values in the email_footer_text and email_footer_link fields. The value none suppresses adding a 'Sent by' footer link to the email
  • email_footer_text str - Specify the text of a URL added to the email 'Sent by' footer (default None)
  • email_footer_link str - Specify the url address value added to the email 'Sent by' footer (default None)