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Library Objects

class Library()

The class includes all necessary methods to access the Grafana library API endpoints


  • grafana_api_model APIModel - Inject a Grafana API model object that includes all necessary values and information


  • grafana_api_model APIModel - This is where we store the grafana_api_model


def get_all_library_elements(
        results_per_page: int = 100,
        pages: int = 1,
        search_string: str = None,
        kind: int = 1,
        sort_direction: SortDirection = SortDirection.DESC,
        types_filter: str = None,
        exclude_uid: str = None,
        folder_filter_ids: str = None) -> dict

The method includes a functionality to get a list of all library elements the authenticated user has permission to view. Use the perPage query parameter to control the maximum number of library elements returned, The default limit is 100. You can also use the page query parameter to fetch library elements from any page other than the first one


  • results_per_page int - Specify the results_per_page as integer (default 100)
  • pages int - Specify the pages as integer (default 1)
  • search_string str - Specify the search string (default None)
  • kind int - Specify the kind of element to search for. Use 1 for library panels or 2 for library variables (default 1)
  • sort_direction SortDirection - Specify the sort order of elements. Use alpha-asc for ascending and alpha-desc for descending sort order (default alpha-desc)
  • types_filter str - Specify a comma separated list of types to filter the elements by (default None)
  • exclude_uid str - Specify the element uid to exclude from search results (default None)
  • folder_filter_ids str - Specify a comma separated list of folder ID(s) to filter the elements by (default None)


  • Exception - Unspecified error by executing the API call


  • api_call dict - Returns the library elements


def get_library_element_by_uid(uid: str) -> dict

The method includes a functionality to get a library element with the given uid


  • uid str - Specify the uid of the library element


  • ValueError - Missed specifying a necessary value
  • Exception - Unspecified error by executing the API call


  • api_call dict - Returns the corresponding library element


def get_library_element_by_name(name: str) -> dict

The method includes a functionality to get a library element with the given name


  • name str - Specify the name of the library element


  • ValueError - Missed specifying a necessary value
  • Exception - Unspecified error by executing the API call


  • api_call dict - Returns the corresponding library element


def get_library_element_connections(uid: str) -> dict

The method includes a functionality to get a list of connections for a library element based on the specified uid


  • uid str - Specify the uid of the library element


  • ValueError - Missed specifying a necessary value
  • Exception - Unspecified error by executing the API call


  • api_call dict - Returns the corresponding list of connections


def create_library_element(folder_id: int,
                           model: dict,
                           kind: int = 1,
                           folder_uid: str = None,
                           name: str = None,
                           uid: str = None) -> dict

The method includes a functionality to create a library element based on the specified folder id and model


  • folder_id int - Specify the folder where the library element is stored. It is deprecated since Grafana v9
  • model dict - Specify the JSON model for the library element
  • kind int - Specify the kind of element to search for. Use 1 for library panels or 2 for library variables (default 1)
  • folder_uid str - Specify the uid of the folder where the library element is stored. Specify an empty string when it is general folder (default None)
  • name str - Specify the name of the library element (default None)
  • uid str - Specify the uid of the library element (default None)


  • ValueError - Missed specifying a necessary value
  • Exception - Unspecified error by executing the API call


  • api_call dict - Returns the newly created library element


def update_library_element(uid: str,
                           folder_id: int,
                           folder_uid: str,
                           name: str,
                           model: dict,
                           version: int,
                           kind: int = 1) -> dict

The method includes a functionality to update a library element


  • uid str - Specify the uid of the library element
  • folder_id int - Specify the folder where the library element is stored. It is deprecated since Grafana v9
  • folder_uid str - Specify the uid of the folder where the library element is stored. Specify an empty string when it is general folder
  • name str - Specify the name of the library element
  • model dict - Specify the JSON model for the library element
  • version int - Specify the version for the library element
  • kind int - Specify the kind of element to search for. Use 1 for library panels or 2 for library variables (default 1)


  • ValueError - Missed specifying a necessary value
  • Exception - Unspecified error by executing the API call


  • api_call dict - Returns the updated library element


def delete_library_element(uid: str)

The method includes a functionality to delete a library element specified by the uid


  • uid str - Specify the uid of the library element


  • ValueError - Missed specifying a necessary value
  • Exception - Unspecified error by executing the API call

