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Annotations Objects

class Annotations()

The class includes all necessary methods to access the Grafana annotations API endpoints. Annotations can be organization annotations that can be shown on any dashboard by configuring an annotation data source filtered by tags. They can also be tied to a panel on a dashboard and are then only shown on that panel

HINT: Note Grafana Enterprise API need required permissions if fine-grained access control is enabled


  • grafana_api_model APIModel - Inject a Grafana API model object that includes all necessary values and information


  • grafana_api_model APIModel - This is where we store the grafana_api_model


def find_annotations(annotation: FindAnnotationObject = None) -> list

The method includes a functionality to find the corresponding annotations


  • annotation FindAnnotationObject - Specify the find annotation object


  • Exception - Unspecified error by executing the API call


  • api_call list - Returns the result of the find annotations call


def create_annotation(annotation: AnnotationObject) -> int

The method includes a functionality to create the corresponding annotation

Args: annotation (AnnotationObject): Specify the annotation object

Required Permissions: Action: annotations:create Scope: annotations:type:

Raises: ValueError: Missed specifying a necessary value Exception: Unspecified error by executing the API call

Returns: api_call (int): Returns the annotation id


def create_graphite_annotation(annotation: AnnotationGraphiteObject) -> int

The method includes a functionality to create the corresponding graphite annotation

Args: annotation (AnnotationGraphiteObject): Specify the annotation object

Required Permissions: Action: annotations:create Scope: annotations:type:organization

Raises: ValueError: Missed specifying a necessary value Exception: Unspecified error by executing the API call

Returns: api_call (int): Returns the annotation id


def update_annotation(id: int, annotation: AnnotationObject)

The method includes a functionality to update the corresponding annotation specified by the annotation id

Args: id (int): Specify the annotation object id annotation (AnnotationObject): Specify the annotation object

Required Permissions: Action: annotations:write Scope: annotations:type:

Raises: ValueError: Missed specifying a necessary value Exception: Unspecified error by executing the API call

Returns: None


def delete_annotation(id: int)

The method includes a functionality to delete the corresponding annotation specified by the annotation id

Args: id (int): Specify the annotation object id

Required Permissions: Action: annotations:write Scope: annotations:type:

Raises: ValueError: Missed specifying a necessary value Exception: Unspecified error by executing the API call

Returns: None


def find_annotation_tags(tag: str = None, limit: int = 100)

The method includes a functionality to find the annotation tags


  • tag str - Specify the optional annotation tag
  • limit int - Specify the optional annotation limit (default 100)

Required Permissions: - Action - annotations:read - Scope - N/A


  • Exception - Unspecified error by executing the API call


  • api_call dict - Returns the result of the find annotation tags call