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Grafana API SDK

The repository includes an SDK for the Grafana API. It's possible to interact with all publicly available Grafana HTTP API endpoints.

The core features that are implemented inside this SDK:

  • All public Grafana API (HTTP) endpoints are supported
  • Full API support for Grafana legacy alerting, current alerting, alerting channels, and alert provisioning
  • Possibility to specify custom and self-signed certificates
  • HTTP/2 support

Supported Features

The following list describes the currently supported features of the Grafana API functionality.


Please be aware to not install the grafana-api and grafana-api-sdk packages in parallel and the same environment. This result in name clashes, and it's not possible to use the Grafana API SDK.

pip install grafana-api-sdk


import json

from grafana_api.model import APIModel
from grafana_api.dashboard import Dashboard

model: APIModel = APIModel(host="test", token="test")

dashboard: Dashboard = Dashboard(model)

with open("/tmp/test/test.json") as file:
    json_dashboard = json.load(file)

dashboard.create_or_update_dashboard(message="Create a new test dashboard", dashboard_json=json_dashboard, dashboard_path="test")

TLS/ mTLS for HTTP/1.1

It is possible to pass a custom ssl_context to the underlying library to perform the requests to the HTTP API. For this step and to support custom TLS/ mTLS, there is an option to inject the Python ssl_context. More information can be found here and a dummy TLS/ mTLS implementation below.


import ssl

from grafana_api.model import APIModel

ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(
ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED

model: APIModel = APIModel(host="test", token="test", ssl_context=ssl_ctx)


import ssl

from grafana_api.model import APIModel

ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(
ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
ssl_ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile="/test/path/client.crt", keyfile="/test/path/client.key")

model: APIModel = APIModel(host="test", token="test", ssl_context=ssl_ctx)

TLS/ mTLS for HTTP/2

It is possible to pass a custom HTTP/2 conform ssl_context to the underlying library to perform the requests to the HTTP API. For this step and to support custom TLS/ mTLS, there is an option to create the ssl_context by the execution of httpx.create_ssl_context() function. More information can be found here and a dummy TLS/ mTLS implementation below.


import httpx

from grafana_api.model import APIModel

ssl_ctx = httpx.create_ssl_context(

model: APIModel = APIModel(host="test", token="test", ssl_context=ssl_ctx)


import httpx

from grafana_api.model import APIModel

ssl_ctx = httpx.create_ssl_context(
    cert=("/test/path/client.crt", "/test/path/client.key"),

model: APIModel = APIModel(host="test", token="test", ssl_context=ssl_ctx)


If you want to template your JSON document based on a predefined folder structure you can check out one of my other project and integrate the functionality inside your code.